السبت، 10 مارس 2012

Traditional and Vernacular Architecture

Traditional and Vernacular Architecture

Including traditional architecture in natural constructions means that traditional building technologies can serve as source of innovation in the same way as biological role models.

-The term "Vernacular" Architecture is mainly used for residential buildings excluding temples and palaces.

-"Traditional Architecture" is the term used as constructions for bigger building tasks deserve investigation.

Traditionally, locally available resources are used for building, and typologies evolve with time, more through trial and error than through abstract modelling of some sort. The influencing factors for the design are the existing environment and the social and cultural situations. Environmental issues include the availability of space, building material energy, climate and ecology among others. Social and cultural situations include knowledge and available technology, needs of society and culture, symbolism, rules, etc. Within the existing typologies, diverse influences from a long time span have been applied and stored, and much is still readable today, even if the developmental process and the environmental conditions of former times are not known. But the end product, the surviving typology, is here to be investigated.

Knowledge to apply this kind of architecture is usually passed on by local tradition.

All comments are welcomed;

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