Advanced Biological Architecture: Advanced Biological Architecture: Diversity of Bio...: Advanced Biological Architecture: Diversity of Biological Architecture Classical App... : Diversity of Biological Architecture Classical App...
الأحد، 11 مارس 2012
Advanced Biological Architecture: Diversity of Biological Architecture Classical App...
Advanced Biological Architecture: Diversity of Biological Architecture Classical App...: Diversity of Biological Architecture Classical Approach 1. Paolo Portoghesi has compiled a vast collection of analogies in ...
Diversity of Biological Architecture Classical Approach
Diversity of Biological Architecture Classical Approach
1. Paolo Portoghesi has compiled a vast collection
of analogies in "Nature and architecture", using a grid of archetypal
elements of architecture with examples from all ages.
2. The examination of "Natural
Constructions" carried out during the 1960s in Germany by Frei Otto and
his group takes a more technical approach. The structural functioning of
natural role models is the most important feature investigated.
3. Strategic investigation of the overlaps of
architecture and biology has also been carried out by the Russian Juri Lebedew,
culminating in the only publication on "Architekturbionik" in 1971,
which is a comprehensive collection of natural constructions of his time.
4. In 2003, Werner Nachtigall published his book
"Baubionik" that focuses on construction, orders the field in terms
of technology, and offers a collection of role models. (Nachtigall, W.:
Baubionik, 2005) "Vorbild Natur" discusses general design principles,
focusing on product development.
5. The Design and Nature conference series by the
Wessex Institute of Technology provides a forum for a diversity of approaches
to this generic topic.
comments are welcomed;
السبت، 10 مارس 2012
Traditional and Vernacular Architecture
Traditional and Vernacular
All comments are welcomed;
traditional architecture in natural constructions means that traditional
building technologies can serve as source of innovation in the same way as
biological role models.
term "Vernacular" Architecture is mainly used for residential
buildings excluding temples and palaces.
Architecture" is the term used as constructions for bigger building
tasks deserve investigation.
locally available resources are used for building, and typologies evolve with
time, more through trial and error than through abstract modelling of some
sort. The influencing factors for the design are the existing environment and
the social and cultural situations. Environmental issues include the
availability of space, building material energy, climate and ecology among
others. Social and cultural situations include knowledge and available technology,
needs of society and culture, symbolism, rules, etc. Within the existing
typologies, diverse influences from a long time span have been applied and
stored, and much is still readable today, even if the developmental process and
the environmental conditions of former times are not known. But the end
product, the surviving typology, is here to be investigated.
to apply this kind of architecture is usually passed on by local tradition.
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الأربعاء، 7 مارس 2012
Relation of Nature, Technology, and Architecture
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Relation of Nature, Technology, and Architecture
Architecture as Integral Part of Nature:
We shall never be able to talk about nature from the outside but only from the inside,to being an integral part of nature ourselves, like to consider something created and produced by man as being outside nature.
Western and Eastern Attitudes towards Man-Made & Natural Things:
Significant cultural differences exist between "Western" and "Eastern" attitudes The thinking about man-made and natural things is best expressed in the relation of prevailing values.
Eastern cultures, and other traditional societies aroun, value things differently. In China and Japan things that cannot be manufactured, for example crack patterns in ceramics are highly esteemed. On the other hand a strong tradition has evolved to cultivate these processes in terms of setting an environmental condition for self-organisation.
Western culture, values more manufactured and produced things , and does not value nature, which takes resources and time. The compromise of Western and Eastern civilisations is inevitably taking place in the increasing globalisation, and trials to protect the environment have already changed the public's point of view.
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All comments are welcomed;
Information accompanying restrictions in the architecture of active systems
Nanotechnology has aloof amorphous to actor some of nature's aboriginal structures, but the accoutrement accessible are still absolutely crude.
In nature's design, affiliation is the accepted band-aid for any functionality bare by organisms.
In the ambience of multifunctionality, elements are chip into added than one system. Chip functionality is accessible at abounding scales. Sensing, for example, can be chip into the actual of the bark (sensing organs of insects are chip into the adamantine carapace of chitin) and analysis hairs on animal bark are broadcast over the organism's surface.
Smartness implies the angle of intelligence on a baby scale, bargain to distinct aspects or abilities of abstracts or elements. Organisms, or genitalia of organisms, can acknowledge to stimuli from their ambiance in abounding ways, e.g. by moving, communicating or growing.
Abounding acute structures in attributes are acquiescent systems, inherent in the anatomy of the actual (e.g. berry pods aperture in affiliation to clamminess – seeds are appear back the ecology altitude are good). The apathetic self-design of breed in the action of change and accustomed alternative is the best admirable phenomenon, which has produced the assortment of the abode we can observe.
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The basal architecture attempt of active bacilli still keeps scientists busy, but some of the phenomena can be described. The attempt begin accept been transferred into abstruse applications.
1 Physics
Life is accountable to the aforementioned concrete laws as azoic nature. Erwin Schrodinger discussed breakthrough mechanics and the concrete laws that activity is based on in his acclaimed book "What is life", aboriginal appear in 1944. Lynn Margulies and Doris Sagan connected the altercation beneath the aforementioned title.
Schrodinger interprets activity as anarchy machines, islands of acclimation aural a cosmos of accretion entropy. The basal thermodynamic laws are amenable for some of the phenomena that accomplish activity so fascinating.
2 Activity efficiency
Organisms accept to be able in agreement of activity to survive. They do not decay activity and accomplish with aerial effectiveness. Werner Nachtigall states ten rules which are accurate for the architecture of accustomed constructions:
"All accustomed constructions and processes are optimised for activity use, and from this point of appearance all the afterward architecture attempt of attributes accept to be conceived:
1. Integrated instead of accretion construction
2. Optimisation of the accomplished instead of maximizing distinct elements
3. Multifunctionality instead of monofunctionality
4. Fine acclimation with attention to the environment
5. Direct or aberrant use of solar energy
6. Temporary limitation instead of abortive durability
7. Complete recycling instead of decay accumulation
8. Integration instead of linearity
9. Development by balloon and error"
The atomic accessible accomplishment is consistently taken in nature, to accomplish a band-aid in a "practical approach".( Nachtigall, W.: Vorbild Natur, 1997)
Organisms use what is accessible in their environment: availability of activity source, material, cooperation etc. Simple abstracts are used, and so advice is bare for developing these to aerial achievement structures.
3 Self-organisation and anarchy theory
"By 'self-organisation' we accept the adeptness of systems to advance and sustain their inherent acclimation with no ascendancy from outside. The absolute adeptness of circuitous adaptive behaviour is a axial appropriate of active systems. Furthermore, processes of self-organisation are additionally begin in azoic attributes in fields of acquaintance far from anniversary other.
Therefore, we can booty the appearance of selforganisation as a abstraction bridging the gap amid breathing and azoic phenomena in nature, apparently arena a key role for the compassionate of activity and consciousness." ( Euler, M.: Selbstorganisation, Strukturbildung und Wahrnehmung in: Biologie in unserer Zeit, 30.Jahrg. 2000/Nr.1)
Preconditions for the actualization of order "Order and anarchy are two abandon of our apple which accept a activating relationship. Anarchy can change into acclimation and acclimation can transform into chaos.
The abolition of acclimation is the accustomed process, the conception of acclimation accident spontaneously alone beneath specific conditions." ( Ebeling, W. in Teichmann, K. et al.: Prozess und Anatomy naturlicher Konstruktionen, 1996)
• Nonlinearity and feedback
The algebraic description of self-organisation includes nonlinear equations and behaviour of the systems is characterised by acknowledgment loops.
• Overcritical distance
Self-organisation is accessible at a specific analytical ambit of the arrangement from the counterbalanced state.
• Openness
Exchange of matter, activity and advice with the environment.( Ebeling, W. in Teichmann, K. et al.: Prozess und Anatomy naturlicher Konstruktionen )
Characteristics of cocky organised systems
• Anarchy export
• Activity transformation
• Constant or order
• Stability and appearance change
• Breaking of symmetry
• Limited predictability
• Historicity (Ebeling, W. in Teichmann, K. et al.: Prozess und Anatomy naturlicher Konstruktionen , 1996)
• Fractal geometry
Fractal geometry draws pictures of movements of activating systems in space. Fractals are geometric altar that echo their anatomy in abbreviating scales.
4 Information
Information is an capital constant in the architecture of organisms. During replication, bacilli accept to canyon on advice in the anatomy of matter. This involves spending of actual and activity for the accumulation of affairs that are as absolute as possible.
Information accompanying restrictions in the architecture of active systems
The bulk of advice all-important for the architecture of active systems is amazingly low compared to their complexity. The absence of advice is based on biological design. ( Vogel, S.: On Cats' Paws and Catapults, 1998)
Strategies to abbreviate information
• Use of fractal and simple structures
In self-similar structures alone a distinct aphorism is bare for amalgam all subunits. A braid is additionally complete from identical subunits, and this anatomy is generally acclimated in attributes (e.g. DNA, microtubules, microfilaments). ( Vogel, S.: On Cats' Paws and Catapults, 1998)
• Cellular structures
Large bacilli abide of cells. The rules for their accumulation are simple, and the aforementioned rules can be acclimated to accumulate abounding types of beef into altered tissues and organs.
• Segmentation
Segmentation is the use of identical subunits to anatomy an organism, or allotment of an organism, back assembled. Segmentation is accepted with invertebrates.
• Multiple use of information
A distinct set of instructions can accomplish added than a distinct anatomy for the development of an alone animal (e.g. in bodies the sizes of anxiety and easily are linked).( Vogel, S.: On cats' Paws and Catapults, 1998)
• Symmetry
The antecedent acceptation of the Greek chat agreement was accord of accommodation - a added accepted acceptation than today's attenuated interpretation. Abounding kinds of symmetries abide in nature. Radial agreement (e.g. in flowers) and mutual agreement (e.g. in humans) extend the possibilities of abbreviation the bulk of advice required.
• Composition of baby units
Dense packing of baby units is all-over in attributes in abounding scales, e.g. bulb parenchyma cells, or seeds arranged afterward geometric laws.
5 Minimisation and integration
Minimisation in attributes is unrivalled by abstruse means: accustomed structures are "designed" bottomward to the aboriginal atomic scales and beyond.
Nanotechnology has aloof amorphous to actor some of nature's aboriginal structures, but the accoutrement accessible are still absolutely crude.
In nature's design, affiliation is the accepted band-aid for any functionality bare by organisms.
In the ambience of multifunctionality, elements are chip into added than one system. Chip functionality is accessible at abounding scales. Sensing, for example, can be chip into the actual of the bark (sensing organs of insects are chip into the adamantine carapace of chitin) and analysis hairs on animal bark are broadcast over the organism's surface.
6 Self-design, learning, smartness
Learning is one of the greatest achievements of the mind: the adeptness to accord with alien situations and acquisition fresh solutions is important for adaptation in a alteration environment.
Learning, on the added hand, additionally needs resources: a processing and accumulator unit, acute a ample bulk of energy.
Learning, on the added hand, additionally needs resources: a processing and accumulator unit, acute a ample bulk of energy.
Smartness implies the angle of intelligence on a baby scale, bargain to distinct aspects or abilities of abstracts or elements. Organisms, or genitalia of organisms, can acknowledge to stimuli from their ambiance in abounding ways, e.g. by moving, communicating or growing.
Abounding acute structures in attributes are acquiescent systems, inherent in the anatomy of the actual (e.g. berry pods aperture in affiliation to clamminess – seeds are appear back the ecology altitude are good). The apathetic self-design of breed in the action of change and accustomed alternative is the best admirable phenomenon, which has produced the assortment of the abode we can observe.
All comments are welcomed;
الاثنين، 5 مارس 2012
Approaches to Investigate Biology and Architecture Overlaps
Approaches to Investigate
Biology and Architecture Overlaps
Contemporary Architectural approaches:
Eco-Efficiency (Green- Sustainable)
3 Restorative
Cradle to cradle
Bio-inspired design
Ecological design
Reconciliatory design
Regenerative development
Diversity of Biological Architecture Classical Approach:
1. Paolo Portoghesi has compiled a vast collection
of analogies in "Nature and architecture", using a grid of archetypal
elements of architecture with examples from all ages.(Portoghesi, P.: Nature
and Architecture, 2000)
2. The examination of "Natural
Constructions" carried out during the 1960s in Germany by Frei Otto and
his group takes a more technical approach. The structural functioning of
natural role models is the most important feature investigated.
3. Strategic investigation of the overlaps of
architecture and biology has also been carried out by the Russian Juri Lebedew,
culminating in the only publication on "Architekturbionik" in 1971,
which is a comprehensive collection of natural constructions of his time. (Lebedew,
J.S.: Architektur und Bionik, 1983)
4. In 2003, Werner Nachtigall published his book
"Baubionik" that focuses on construction, orders the field in terms
of technology, and offers a collection of role models. (Nachtigall, W.:
Baubionik, 2005) "Vorbild Natur" discusses general design principles,
focusing on product development. ( Nachtigall, W.: Vorbild Natur, 1997)
5. The Design and Nature conference series by the
Wessex Institute of Technology provides a forum for a diversity of approaches
to this generic topic. ( Brebbia, C.A. (Ed.): Design in Nature series, launched
in 2002)
All comments are welcomed;
All comments are welcomed;
Building Like a Tree
Building Like a Tree
‘From my designer’s perspective, I ask: Why can’t I design a building like a tree?
A building that makes oxygen, fixes nitrogen, sequesters carbon, distils water, builds soil, accrues solar energy as fuel, makes complex sugars and food, creates microclimates, changes colors with the seasons and self replicates.
This is using nature as a model and a mentor, not as an inconvenience.
It’s a delightful prospect…’
(McDonough and Braungart, 1998)
In the future, the houses we alive in and the offices we assignment in will be advised to action like active organisms, accurately acclimatized to abode and able to draw all of their requirements for activity and baptize from the surrounding sun, wind and rain. The architectonics of the approaching will draw inspiration, not from the machines of the 20th century, but from the admirable flowers that abound in the mural that surrounds them.
Advanced Biological Architecture Research blog will be an online reference for everything about bioarchitecture today
Advanced Biological Architecture provides information and resources for Architects, scientific researchers, buildings owners and anyone else interested in green bioarchitecture sustainability . Follow us to learn more about this advanced field and to know the latest architectural news and advanced design ideas in our blog.
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