الأحد، 11 مارس 2012

Diversity of Biological Architecture Classical Approach

Diversity of Biological Architecture Classical Approach

1.    Paolo Portoghesi has compiled a vast collection of analogies in "Nature and architecture", using a grid of archetypal elements of architecture with examples from all ages.

2.    The examination of "Natural Constructions" carried out during the 1960s in Germany by Frei Otto and his group takes a more technical approach. The structural functioning of natural role models is the most important feature investigated.

3.    Strategic investigation of the overlaps of architecture and biology has also been carried out by the Russian Juri Lebedew, culminating in the only publication on "Architekturbionik" in 1971, which is a comprehensive collection of natural constructions of his time.

4.    In 2003, Werner Nachtigall published his book "Baubionik" that focuses on construction, orders the field in terms of technology, and offers a collection of role models. (Nachtigall, W.: Baubionik, 2005) "Vorbild Natur" discusses general design principles, focusing on product development.

5.    The Design and Nature conference series by the Wessex Institute of Technology provides a forum for a diversity of approaches to this generic topic.

All comments are welcomed; 

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